Saturday, May 28, 2011

Day 3... Delayed and Turkey Hunting Too... S#%T!

While day 3 was delayed due to another storm which really kinda sucked because my son got out early for it being the last day of school... The turkey hunt started with us waking up at 4:45 am and heading over to our primary spot and setting up the blind only to have a horrific occurrence at around 7 am this morning when the damn release broke...

So it's back to the house to grab the fishing gear and to wait on the mail since I was smart enough to order a new 2 ones on Wednesday night when the old one felt "off", but unfortunately they aren't arriving until this afternoon. Oh well we are gonna just grab our usual gear none of the gimmicks and go kill some time and catch us a few fish.

The camera will be rolling all day so hopefully we can hit ya'll with another post! If not have a safe happy Memorial Day weekend!


  1. Great new blog, fellow Kansan!! Can't wait to read more about your adventures... Have a wonderful holiday weekend!!

  2. Thanks for taking the time to comment I appreciate it and the compliment also!
