Well thankfully we get to go back to photographing and videoing our outdoor excursions today! My friend's son did something almost unimaginable last Monday... He shot the camera while we were in the blind but weirdly enough that's covered under the warranty... Oh well I guess your child's maturity level is what matters, and not there age when you hand them a loaded weapon. The 7 year old shot a turkey the 11 year old put a new window in the blind and turned a $250 camera into a paperweight... Anyways we've been out planting our food plots and hanging trail cameras out and about everywhere. In addition to looking for places to put a few stands and a couple of blinds... Why would you put out a blind in June you ask? So that the deer are used to it come September! Early preparation is the key to any successful outdoor activity! Whether you are organizing your tackle or going into the woods knowing where the game is heading at any time of the day. Always be prepared! Anyways we've got some fishing to do see ya'll later!